- 从中国区域访问 aws global 服务的域名(例如,bedrock),希望流量保留在 aws 骨干网内部
- 希望部署前端在中国区域(例如,brconnector、GenBI)
- Traffic 不走公网
- 只能通过 AKSK 访问 global 服务
refer: bedrock-runtime-endpoint
sample 1 - aws commercial region peering¶
- create customer gateway (CGW) with your public ip address in your china region
- create TGW
- create attachment for your existed vpc
- create s2svpn connection
- choose TGW
- choose CGW
- choose static routing (NO dynamic)
- keep default for others
- download VPN configuration
- vendor: generic (or openswan)
- platform: generic (or openswan)
- ikev1
- you need understand how to setup route tables
LEFT IP is public ip of your openswan
RIGHT IP is vpn public ip in your vpn configuration
SECRET in your vpn configuration
sample 2 - china region to commercial region peering¶
- spin up instance to install openswan (refer: ../../../../notes/openswan)
- 中国区域对于 vpn 端口有限制,建议使用global 区域模拟
openswan 参考配置
# conn Tunnel1 authby=secret auto=start type=tunnel ikelifetime=8h keylife=1h phase2alg=aes128-sha1;modp1024 ike=aes128-sha1;modp1024 keyingtries=%forever keyexchange=ike left=%defaultroute leftid=<local public ip address> leftsubnet= right=<vpn public ip address> rightsubnet= dpddelay=10 dpdtimeout=30 dpdaction=restart_by_peer
check status
- need iptables for masq (refer iptables-MASQUERADE)