Cross Region Reverse Proxy with NLB and Cloudfront¶
使用 4 层反向代理访问 global 应用时,在 IPtables 中也可以实现流量分发到下游 NLB 的多个公网地址。解决反向代理的高可用性问题。如果在中国区域不使用 cloudfront 的话,可以不使用证书。
prepare application on eks¶
host zone¶
- 2 host zones, one for each region
eks cluster¶
- create eks cluster (refer: ../../CLI/linux/eksdemo)
- install addons (refer: ../../CLI/linux/eksdemo)
- externaldns
- aws load balancer controller
- certificate
- httpbin app
- TC-private-apigw-dataflow (github)
- ingress setting with multiple certificates and host wildcard
- ensure
existed in both host zones, any domains could access to ALB directly, for examplehttpbin.${DOMAIN_NAME}
prep NLB-1 in front of ALB¶
- ALB type target group to tcp 80/443 (ALB 类型 TG 只能选 TCP,没有 TLS)
- create NLB-1 with 2 listeners, 80/443 (TCP only, no TLS)
- on route53, add DNS record alias to NLB-1, called
- both could access application successfully
- setup 2 EC2 instances fake-waf-on-ec2-forwarding-https (github)
forward request to NLB-1’s public IP addresses.
- We have 2 destination IPs, using probability 50% in first rule and keep 2nd rule always been hit.
- If your have 3 destination IPs, using 0.33/0.5 in first 2 rules and keep last one always been hit.
instance_ip= # instance internal ip address next_ip= # one ip address of vpce domain name next_ip2= # get alb/nlb internal ip addresses for i in; do iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s $i -d $instance_ip --dport 443 \ -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.5 \ -i eth0 -j DNAT --to-destination $next_ip:443; iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s $i -d $instance_ip --dport 443 \ -i eth0 -j DNAT --to-destination $next_ip2:443; done iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -s -d $next_ip -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;
NLB-2 in front of these EC2 instances
- on route53, add dedicate host zone for this region and add DNS record CNAME to NLB-2, called
- 请求将获取到 reverse proxy 公网地址
cloudfront in front of NLB-2¶
- create certificate for cn domain name for cloudfront
- 如果不使用 cloudfront 则不需要创建证书
- create origin to NLB-2
- using aws default domain name
- or NLB-2’s domain name (
- create route53, add DNS record CNAME to cloudfront, called
- no CORS needed
- iptables DNAT will exhaust ports or not ?
- No. refer link