1 network¶
(path:git/git-mkdocs/others/network file:.md)
- [$frontmatter:title]($filename): $frontmatter:description
- caddy: a fast, multi-platform web server with automatic HTTPS.
- Cross Region Reverse Proxy with NLB and Cloudfront: 跨区域的 Layer 4 反向代理,并使用 nlb + cloudfront,考察证书使用需求
- aws-nfw-network-firewall: AWS Network Firewall
- openswan-s2svpn-tgw-lab: connect to global aws using site-2-site vpn service, for example access global bedrock service
2 well-architected¶
(path:git/git-mkdocs/others/well-architected file:.md)
- [$frontmatter:title]($filename): $frontmatter:description
- WA-卓越运营-Operational-Excellence-202310-Summary:
- WA-可持续性-Sustainability-202310-Summary:
- WA-可靠性-Reliability-202310-Summary:
- WA-安全-Security-202310-Summary:
- WA-性能效率-Performance-Efficiency-202310-Summary:
- WA-成本优化-Cost-Optimization-202310-Summary:
3 others¶
(file:.md path:git/git-mkdocs/others -path:git/git-mkdocs/others/windows -path:git/git-mkdocs/others/network -path:git/git-mkdocs/others/well-architected)
- [$frontmatter:title]($filename): $frontmatter:description
- Storage File Gateway: create file storage gateway from cli
- github-page-howto: github-page-howto
- Using Global SSO to Login China AWS Accounts: 使用 global sso 登录中国区域 aws 账号
- create-dashboard-for-instance-cpu-matrics: 快速创建 cloudwatch dashboard
- Obsidian Tips: obsidian 使用点滴
- Migrating Filezilla to AWS Transfer Family: 迁移 Filezilla 到 Transfer Family
- Prometheus With Thanos Manually: POC-prometheus-with-thanos-manually
- Quick Deploy BRConnector using Cloudformation: 使用 Cloudformation 快速部署 BRConnector
- Rescue EC2 Instance: 恢复 EC2 实例步骤
- script-api-resource-method: 每个 api 的每个 resource 的每个 method 都需要单独通过命令行启用“tlsConfig/insecureSkipVerification”,通过这个脚本简化工作
- script-convert-mp3-to-text: script-convert-mp3-to-text
- self-signed-certificates: 使用自签名证书,用根证书签发或者中间证书签发用于 api gateway