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Deployment models for AWS Network Firewall with VPC routing enhancements

Deployment models for AWS Network Firewall

Distributed AWS Network Firewall deployment model

AWS Network Firewall is deployed into each individual VPC.

Centralized AWS Network Firewall deployment model

AWS Network Firewall is deployed into centralized VPC for East-West (VPC-to-VPC) and/or North-South (internet egress and ingress, on-premises) traffic. We refer to this VPC as inspection VPC throughout this blog post.

Combined AWS Network Firewall deployment model

AWS Network Firewall is deployed into centralized inspection VPC for East-West (VPC-to-VPC) and subset of North-South (On Premises/Egress) traffic. Internet ingress is distributed to VPCs which require dedicated inbound access from the internet and AWS Network Firewall is deployed accordingly.

Deploy centralized traffic filtering using AWS Network Firewall