Create Private Only EKS Cluster¶
prep bastion¶
- 创建vpc和cloud9
- ../../cloud9/create-standard-vpc-for-lab-in-china-region or hugo link
- 如果只需要创建托管节点组,私有子网路由表可以没有指向 nat 的路由
- 如果需要创建自管节点组,私有子网路由表需要有指向 nat 的路由,否则节点加集群失败,或者提前创建 eks endpoint。
prep cloud9¶
创建安全组 eks-shared-sg,inbound规则是自己 (needed if your cluster is private only mode )
# export VPC_ID=vpc-xxxxxxxx # export AWS_REGION=cn-north-1 AWS_REGION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.region') export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS_REGION} INST_ID=$(curl -s | jq -r '.instanceId') VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids ${INST_ID} |jq -r '.Reservations[0].Instances[0].VpcId') SG_NAME=eks-shared-sg SG_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID \ --query "SecurityGroups[?GroupName == '"${SG_NAME}"'].GroupId" \ --output text) # if SG does not existed, then create it if [[ -z ${SG_ID} ]]; then SG_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \ --description ${SG_NAME} \ --group-name ${SG_NAME} \ --vpc-id ${VPC_ID} \ --query 'GroupId' \ --output text ) aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id ${SG_ID} \ --protocol all \ --source-group ${SG_ID} fi
assign security group to cloud9 instance
SG_LIST=$(aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id $INST_ID --attribute groupSet --query 'Groups[*].[GroupId]' --output text) # before aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id $INST_ID --attribute groupSet # assign aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id $INST_ID --groups $SG_LIST $SG_ID # after aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id $INST_ID --attribute groupSet
if you create private only cluster in vpc which you have created with public/private eks endpoint, using the Shared SG of the previous cluster
创建完自定义 vpc 后,直接执行下面代码
echo ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query Account) AZS=($(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --query 'AvailabilityZones[].ZoneName' --output text)) echo "export VPC_ID=${VPC_ID}" echo "export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" echo "export AZS=(${AZS[@]})" # output yaml format for vpc/subnet info ( echo 'vpc:' echo ' id:' ${VPC_ID} echo ' subnets:' echo ' private:' for i in ${AZS[@]} ; do subnetid=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --filter "Name=availability-zone,Values=$i" "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" "Name=tag-key," \ --query 'Subnets[?MapPublicIpOnLaunch==`false`].SubnetId' --output text) if [[ ! -z $subnetid ]]; then echo " ${i}:" echo -e " id: $subnetid" fi done echo ' public:' for i in ${AZS[@]} ; do subnetid=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --filter "Name=availability-zone,Values=$i" "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" \ --query 'Subnets[?MapPublicIpOnLaunch==`true`].SubnetId' --output text) if [[ ! -z $subnetid ]]; then echo " ${i}:" echo -e " id: $subnetid" fi done if [ ! -z $SG_ID ]; then echo " sharedNodeSecurityGroup: $SG_ID" fi )
output will be used in next step
- ensure you have no s3 endpoint in your target vpc
- you could have ssm/ssmmessages endpoint
cluster yaml¶
- commercial region sample config
- check here for china region sample config
--- apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: ekscluster-privonly # MODIFY cluster name region: "us-east-2" # MODIFY region version: "1.24" # MODIFY version # full private cluster privateCluster: enabled: true skipEndpointCreation: true # uncomment, if you create 2nd cluster in same vpc # additionalEndpointServices: # - "autoscaling" # - "logs" # - "cloudformation" # REPLACE THIS CODE BLOCK vpc: subnets: private: us-east-2a: id: subnet-xxxxxxxx us-east-2b: id: subnet-xxxxxxxx public: us-east-2a: id: subnet-xxxxxxxx us-east-2b: id: subnet-xxxxxxxx sharedNodeSecurityGroup: sg-xxxxxxxx cloudWatch: clusterLogging: enableTypes: ["*"] # secretsEncryption: # keyARN: ${MASTER_ARN} managedNodeGroups: - name: mng1 minSize: 1 maxSize: 5 desiredCapacity: 1 instanceType: m5.large ssh: enableSsm: true privateNetworking: true nodeGroups: - name: ng1 minSize: 1 maxSize: 5 desiredCapacity: 1 instanceType: m5.large ssh: enableSsm: true privateNetworking: true ami: ami-06a8057d9b6a06ee6 amiFamily: AmazonLinux2 overrideBootstrapCommand: | #!/bin/bash source /var/lib/cloud/scripts/eksctl/ /etc/eks/ ${CLUSTER_NAME} --container-runtime containerd --kubelet-extra-args "--node-labels=${NODE_LABELS}" iam: withOIDC: true addons: - name: vpc-cni version: latest - name: coredns version: latest # auto discovers the latest available - name: kube-proxy version: latest
- check here for china region sample config
# get optimized eks ami id for your version & region
# AWS_REGION=us-east-2
aws ssm get-parameter --name /aws/service/eks/optimized-ami/${EKS_VERSION}/amazon-linux-2/recommended/image_id --query "Parameter.Value" --output text
- 设置
skipEndpointCreation: false
,集群创建完成后将自动创建以下 endpoint,并且绑定sharedNodeSecurityGroup
中指定的安全组- logs
- s3 (gw)
- sts
- ec2 / ec2messages
- ecr.dkr / ecr.api
- 你可以自己创建以下 endpoint,并且绑定安全组允许 80 443 访问
- ssm / ssmmessages
- 另外还需要提前创建以下 endpoint,并且绑定安全组
- eks (使用自管节点组时需要)
- elasticfilesystem (使用 efs 时需要)
- elasticloadbalancing (使用 aws lb controller时需要)
- kms (待验证)
- ebs (待验证)
- cloudformation (additional)
- autoscaling (hpa)
access cluster¶
issue about kubectl¶
solve 1¶
- download aws-iam-authenticator, and then run write-kubeconfig command
it will using aws-iam-authenticator instead of aws to create kubeconfig aws eks update-kubeconfig
default using awseksctl utils write-kubeconfig
default using aws-iam-authenticator if you have installed
solve 2¶
- check if null TOKEN variable
in your~/.aws/credentials
- delete it