\1 \2¶
my vimrc config¶
"set nocompatible
"source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
"source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
"behave mswin
version 6.0
set nocompatible
"if has("gui_running")
" set imactivatekey=C-space
" inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set iminsert=0<CR>
let s:cpo_save=&cpo
set cpo&vim
let &cpo=s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
set fileformat=unix
set fileformats=unix,dos
"if &filetype != 'dos'
" set filetype=dos
set backspace=2
set history=100
set keymodel=startsel,stopsel
set selection=exclusive
set selectmode=mouse,key
set noswapfile
set showtabline=0
set foldcolumn=3
set nonumber
set nohlsearch
set noai
set modeline
set showmatch
set encoding=default
set syntax=panlm
" encoding settings
set encoding=utf-8
set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8
language message zh_CN.UTF-8
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb18030,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1
if has("gui_running")
" set guifontset=-*-vera\ sans\ yuanti\ mono-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
" set guifont=vera\ sans\ yuanti\ mono\ 12
" set guifont=WenQuanYi\ Zen\ Hei\ Mono\ 13
" set guifont=Liberation\ Mono\ 13
" set guifontwide=LiHei\ Pro\ 11
" set guifont=Consolas:h11:cANSI
set guifont=Monaco:h14
set showtabline=2
set columns=116
set lines=30
set cmdheight=1
set guioptions-=T "no toolbar
set nomousehide
set shiftwidth=3
colorscheme oceandeep
syntax on
if has('multi_byte_ime')
highlight Cursor guibg=Green guifg=NONE
highlight CursorIM guibg=Purple guifg=NONE
" folding setting
set foldmethod=expr
set foldlevel=0
set foldcolumn=3
"set foldclose=all
"set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^==*\ .*\ =\\\\+$'?'>1':'='
set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^==*\ .*\ ==*$'?('>'.strlen(matchstr(getline(v:lnum),'^==*'))):'='
" Setting viminfo option
set viminfo='50,<100,s10,:300,/300,h,rA:,rB:,%
set undolevels=100
set nowrapscan
" Auto format paragraph {{{
" (
" using gqvw to instead
"set textwidth=75
"set formatoptions=aw2tq
"map Q gq
"nmap <silent> ,f :set tw=75<cr>gqap:set tw=0<cr>
"obsoleted: nmap <f9> 70<bar>f r<cr>
"nmap <silent> <s-f9> 77<bar>ha<cr><esc>
"nmap <silent> ,w :set wrap!<bar>set wrap?<cr>
" }}}
" "Always set your working directory to the file you're editing
" autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h
" let g:netrw_altv = 1
" " not use explorer.vim instead of netrw
" "let g:explVertical=1
" "let g:explSplitRight=1
" let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1
" let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1
" let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBuffs = 1
" let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1
" Statusline Settings
"set statusline=%<%1*===\ %5*%f%1*%(\ ===\ %4*%h%1*%)%(\ ===\ %4*%m%1*%)%(\ ===\ %4*%r%1*%)\ ===%====\ %2*%b(0x%B)%1*\ ===\ %3*%l,%c%V%1*\ ===\ %5*%P%1*\ ===%0* laststatus=2
set statusline=%<===\ %F%m\ %y\ ===%====\ %c%V,%l/%L\ %P\ === laststatus=2
" draw a table/sheet with mouse
:map <F1> :call ToggleSketch()<CR>
" When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
" let g:leave_my_cursor_position_alone = 1
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if ! exists("g:leave_my_cursor_position_alone") |
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g'\"" |
\ endif |
\ endif
"Easy menu-style switch between files with a simple map
map <F5> :buffers<CR>:e #
"set virtualedit mode
nmap ,c :set virtualedit=all<cr>
nmap ,nc :set virtualedit=<cr>
"about windows operation
nmap <a-n> :new<cr><c-w
nmap <a-q> :close!<cr><c-w
nmap <c-n> :enew!<cr>
nmap <c-t> :tabnew<cr>
"using panlm syntax
"map ,p :set syntax=panlm<cr>
"make header tag
nmap ,1 :s/^[[:blank:]=]*/= /<cr>:s/[[:blank:]=]*$/ =/<cr>
nmap ,2 :s/^[[:blank:]=]*/== /<cr>:s/[[:blank:]=]*$/ ==/<cr>
nmap ,3 :s/^[[:blank:]=]*/=== /<cr>:s/[[:blank:]=]*$/ ===/<cr>
nmap ,4 :s/^[[:blank:]=]*/==== /<cr>:s/[[:blank:]=]*$/ ====/<cr>
nmap ,d :s/^==* \(.*\) ==*$/\1/<cr>
"edit _vimrc file quickly
"for windows
"nmap ,s :source d:\program\vim\_vimrc<cr>
"nmap ,e :e d:\program\vim\_vimrc<cr>
"for mac
nmap ,s :source ~/.gvimrc<cr>
nmap ,e :e ~/.gvimrc<cr>
nmap ,p :e d:\program\vim\vimfiles\syntax\panlm.vim<cr>
nmap ,! A <<<
map <F3> yiw/\c<c-r>"<cr>
map <Leader>sh :source $HOME/vimfiles/tools/vimsh/vimsh.vim<CR>
map <Leader>meta gg/<PRE><cr>ma/<\/PRE><cr>"zd'a:%d<cr>"zp:%s/\_$\_s//<cr>:%s/<a [^>]\+>//g<cr>:%s/<\/a>//g<cr>:%s/<PRE>//<cr>A&<>"<esc>:%s/<P>/\r/g<cr>:%s/&/\&/g<cr>:%s/</</g<cr>:%s/>/>/g<cr>:%s/"/"/g<cr>gg/<\/PRE><cr>i<cr><esc>dGgg
"map <Leader>Note :%s#\(Note \+\)\([[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+\)#\1|\2|#g<cr>
nmap ,viki :VikiMinorMode<cr>
nmap <leader># :'a,'b! nl -ba<cr>
map ,nf :s/ \?=\+ \?//g<cr>
nmap <silent><leader>q :qall!<cr>
" Add ---/=== Automatic
nmap ,- Yp^v$r-
nmap ,= Yp^v$r=
" Highlight Current Line {{{
" (
" (
" highlight CurrentLine guibg=#4b4b4b guifg=white ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=white
" "au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
" au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /.*\%#.*/'
" set ut=10
" nmap <silent> <f9> :au! Cursorhold<cr>:match none<cr>
" nmap <silent> <s-f9> :au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /.*\%#.*/'<cr>
" }}}
" nmap keys {{{
nmap <silent> <f7> :set foldcolumn=3<CR>
nmap <silent> <f8> :set foldcolumn=0<CR>
nmap <silent> <f9> :set number!<bar>set number?<CR>
nmap <silent> <f11> :set hlsearch!<bar>set hlsearch?<CR>
" }}}
" auto insert date and time {{{
iab Pdate <C-R>=strftime("%d %b %Y, %A")<CR>
iab Ptime <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M:%S")<CR>
" }}}
" Display time about cmd running {{{
"command -complete=command -nargs=+ Time :let ct=strftime("%s") | exec <q-args> |let t=strftime("%s")| :echohl MoreMsg |let min=(t - ct)/60 | let sec=(t - ct)%60 |let min = min < 10 ? "0".min : min | let sec= sec<10 ? "0".sec : sec | echo min.":".sec | echohl None
" }}}
" easy pasting to windows apps {{{
" Tip#21
" set clipboard=unnamed
" }}}
" disable set textwidth auto in /etc/vim/vimrc
let g:leave_my_textwidth_alone = 1
" vim -b : edit binary using xxd-format!
augroup Binary
au BufReadPre *.bin let &bin=1
au BufReadPost *.bin if &bin | %!xxd
au BufReadPost *.bin set ft=xxd | endif
au BufWritePre *.bin if &bin | %!xxd -r
au BufWritePre *.bin endif
au BufWritePost *.bin if &bin | %!xxd
au BufWritePost *.bin set nomod | endif
augroup END
let g:XkbSwitchEnabled = 1
let g:XkbSwitchLib = '~/.vim/ISS-mac/input-source-switcher/build/libInputSourceSwitcher.dylib'
" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldenable:foldlevel=0:fileformat=unix